Shooter is a 2007 American conspiracy thriller film directed by Antoine Fuqua based on the novel Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. The film concerns a former U.S. Marine Scout Sniper, Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg), who is framed for murder by a rogue secret private military company unit. It was released in cinemas on March 23, 2007
Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) is a U.S. Marine Gunnery Sergeant who served as a Force Recon Scout Sniper. He reluctantly leaves a self-imposed exile from his isolated mountain home in the Wind River Range at the request of Colonel Isaac Johnson (Danny Glover).
Johnson appeals to Swagger's expertise and patriotism to help track
down an assassin who plans on shooting the president from a great
distance with a high-powered rifle. Johnson gives him a list of three
cities where the President is scheduled to visit so Swagger can
determine if an attempt could be made at any of them.
The Shooter Official Trailer
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